

  • 澳门水利博彩官方网站大学 is committed to providing accessible electronic 信息 and technology resources, 为学生提供技术和服务, 员工, 嘉宾及访客, 包括 残疾人士. 为此目的, 学院制定了一项政策,要求设计电子和信息技术(EIT), 发达, 管理, 获得的或获得的 be accessible to the widest range of users possible, in accordance with federal and state law.
  • In order to ensure broad access to such resources, 本政策为基于网络的信息和其他信息技术的设计或使用确立了标准.
  • 确保平等和有效地使用电子和信息技术是所有大学教职员工的责任.
  • 履行《澳门水利博彩官方网站》第三章规定的不歧视义务, 2008年修订法案, 以及康复法案第504条 of 1973, as amended, 澳门水利博彩官方网站 has 发达 this Accessible 技术 Policy. This policy will be reviewed and revised as necessary.

这项政策确定了责任和流程,以确保残疾人士有同等的机会获得澳门水利博彩官方网站 EIT, identifies the accessibility standards applied by 澳门水利博彩官方网站, 标识澳门水利博彩官方网站的EIT可访问性协调器,并为个人识别不可访问的EIT提供信息.

澳门水利博彩官方网站 recognizes that 残疾人士 may need specific accessibility-related software, hardware or other assistive technology in order to access certain technology. 作为一个 提醒, 鼓励残障人士根据澳门水利博彩官方网站的学生无障碍服务要求辅助技术或其他住宿 Disabilities Policy by contacting the Accessibility Coordinator. 虽然有重叠之间的阿尔维诺的承诺,使所有的EIT访问和提供住宿 残疾人士, 要求住宿的个人必须联系无障碍服务部门,参与批准住宿的互动过程.




  • 基于网络的信息和服务, 包括 those associated with courses/instruction, 部门项目, College-sponsored活动, 就业, 行政与学院 服务.
  • Hardware and software utilized, 发达, purchased or acquired by 澳门水利博彩官方网站大学.
  • 特定于信息技术的环境-包括教室和一般使用的计算机设施, 在线指导, 远程学习, 就业地点, 库 资源中心.


阿尔弗诺学院无障碍技术政策是由万维网联盟(W3C)网络内容无障碍指南文档中建立的广泛接受的标准指导的, 版本2.0 (WCAG),机位AA. These guidelines are organized around the following four principles, which lay the foundation necessary 为 anyone to access and use electronic and Web content:

  • 可感知的 - In为mation and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive. 这意味着用户 must be able to perceive the 信息 being presented (it cannot be invisible to all of their senses)
  • 可操作的 – User interface components and navigation must be operable
  • 可以理解的 - In为mation and the operation of user interface must be understandable. 这意味着用户 must be able to understand the 信息 as well as the operation of the user interface (the content or operation cannot be beyond their understanding)
  • 健壮的 - Content must be robust enough that it can be 解释ed reliably by a wide variety of user agents, 包括辅助技术. 这意味着用户 must be able to access the content as technologies advance.


  • Electronic Document; 信息 recorded in a manner that requires a computer or other electronic device to display, 解释, 然后处理它.
  • Equal Access; means that 残疾人士 are able to independently acquire the same 信息, 参与相同的互动, 并在同一处享受相同的服务 timeframe as individuals without disabilities, with substantially equivalent ease of use.
  • Functionally equivalent; a modification or accommodation made to ensure equal access and ease of use comparable to an individual without a disability.
  • Legacy Web Page; web page published prior to the effective dates outlined in this policy.
  • Mobile Application; a mobile application is a software application 发达 specifically 为 use on small, 无线计算设备, 比如智能手机和平板电脑, 而不是 台式或笔记本电脑.
  • Multimedia; a production that presents 信息 in more than one sensory channel.
  • Official Web Pages; are those webpages that have been created by the College schools, 部门或者其他行政单位, 对于大学业务. 官方学院网页清晰 convey a relationship to the entire College and support and advance the college’s mission.
  • Web-based In为mation / Applications; the use of Internet web technologies to deliver 信息 and 服务, to users or other 信息 systems/applications.
  • Website Redesign; any phase during the development or maintenance of a web site in which significant alteration or update is made to the visual design, 机构品牌, 信息 architecture, or technical functionality of the site. Minor content updates are not considered web site redesign projects.
  • Website; a group of connected web pages regarded as a single entity, 或者几个密切相关的话题, 比如大学, 部门, 项目或办公网站. 一个网站 包含主页.
  • Web Page; a single internet address (URL) that contains content that must be viewed through a web browser. Usually, multiple web pages are linked to define a website.


澳门水利博彩官方网站已指定技术服务总监担任EIT无障碍协调员,以监督该政策的实施. EIT无障碍协调员将 be responsible 为 an annual budget designated to be used 为 compliance with this policy.

In addition to overseeing the implementation of this policy, EIT无障碍协调员将维护资源,以帮助个人在管理EIT时遵守此政策 内容或采购新的EIT. To request individual or 部门 training regarding EIT Accessibility, 联系EIT无障碍协调员.


Recognizing that 澳门水利博彩官方网站’s technology-based environment and resources are dynamic, the need to provide accessibility and address barriers is a continual ef为t. 这是……的政策 澳门水利博彩官方网站努力与WCAG 2保持一致.并及时解决障碍. In certain circumstances, exceptions to this policy may be granted. 例如,这个政策就是这样 不需要遵守WCAG 2.如果不可能或将构成不适当的行政或财政负担或导致根本改变,则不采取任何措施. 阿尔维诺将做出决定 on the applicability of these exceptions on a case-by-case basis. 当一个异常是适当的, 澳门水利博彩官方网站 will provide equally effective alternative access to the 信息.

学院致力于确保在本政策生效日期之后创建或修改的学院网站上的网络内容与WCAG 2一致.0. 企业所得税的可及性 Coordinator is responsible 为 ensuring that new and revised content is consistent with the WCAG 2.a级标准.

学院将根据需要定期评估网络内容,以确定是否符合WCAG 2.0, Level AA and engage in necessary remedial ef为ts within a reasonable period of 完成评估的时间. 评估将包括对本政策生效日期之前开发的遗留内容的审查. 个人也可以要求遗产 当内容不可访问时,可以使用下面列出的报告可访问性障碍的过程来提供Web内容.

  • Con为mity to standards may not always be feasible due to undue burden (difficulty/expense), hardware/software specific to research/development in which no user requires accessibility 住宿, hardware/software 为 which no equivalent accessible option is available (non-availability).
  • 在不可能遵守本政策的情况下,“澳门水利博彩官方网站技术指导委员会”可以批准本政策的例外情况.
  • 完整的VPAT可访问性例外请求表格可提交给澳门水利博彩官方网站技术指导委员会.
  • An approved exception shall include the following:
    • 例外的理由
    • Plan 为 alternative means of access 为 persons with disabilities
    • 到期日
    • 适当的副总裁签名
  • 澳门水利博彩官方网站技术指导委员会将保存所有VPAT可访问性例外请求表格的记录.
  • 大学教职员工必须根据要求以功能相同的可访问方式提供例外所涵盖的内容和/或服务, 按照法律的要求.
  • 新网站, 电子文档, 多媒体, 在本政策生效之日或之后创建的课程内容必须经过尽职调查才能符合2023年秋季的要求.
  • 新网站, 电子文档, 在此生效日期之前创建的多媒体和课程内容必须根据在 collaboration with the 技术 Steering Committee and 部门 chairs and directors.


Individuals who experience a barrier related to EIT should contact a professor or supervisor, 或联络EIT无障碍协调员. When an individual receives 信息 about an EIT accessibility issue, the individual should notify the 无障碍资讯科技协调员.

有关EIT无障碍的问题和关注可以通过联系EIT无障碍协调员或通过填写 Electronic and In为mation 技术 (EIT) Accessibility Contact Form.

与无障碍服务一起使用, the 无障碍资讯科技协调员 will review the inquiry 为m or other 信息 provided. The 无障碍资讯科技协调员 and the Director of 残疾服务与成功, 或委派的, 会否评估有关问题及有关的企业所得税, using internal and external mechanisms to test EIT accessibility. 企业所得税的可及性 协调员和残疾服务与成功主任将共同确定解决无障碍问题的方法, 在大多数情况下,30天内收到 关注. The resolution will be communicated to the complainant. If the determination is made that there is not an accessibility barrier, this will also be communicated to the complainant.

批准, 阿尔弗诺学院无障碍技术政策于5月获得了阿尔弗诺学院行政委员会的批准, 3, 2023年,自即日起生效. An annual review of the policy will be conducted by the 澳门水利博彩官方网站大学 技术 Committee.

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