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08 Jun
08 Jun

Annual Summer Workshop - An SEL-embedded Orff Approach to Music Ed and Therapy

An SEL-embedded Orff Approach to Music Ed/Therapy


Social emotional learning (SEL) has become a valuable resource in music education. New research demonstrates that when applied specifically to the Orff approach, it creates incredible results in student musical growth and SEL skills. This workshop provides the history and philosophy of both SEL and the Orff approach with SEL, along with the presentation of data findings and an understanding as to why they fit so organically together within the music classroom. Participants will engage in both Orff lessons, as well as explore and create SEL strategies, then strategically implement SEL strategies into both previously created Orff lessons, as well as newly created SEL-embedded Orff lessons. Music therapists will have opportunities to discuss and adapt these ideas and plans for their own application.

All participants should bring a laptop if possible.

Music therapists may apply for “Other Continuing Education Credits.” Participants attending the entire weekend workshop are eligible to claim 10 CMTEs with proper documentation for CBMT. Teachers are requested to bring 2-3 lessons to the workshop; these do not need to be Orff-based.


Gain exposure to the history, philosophy, and function of social emotional learning as it applies to music education. (BCD V.A.2)

Create a list of functional SEL strategies from the three domains of Identity, Belonging, and Agency. (BCD II.D.9,10)

Discuss the functionality and importance of utilizing SEL within the music classroom. (BCD V.A.6)

Gain exposure to the history, philosophy, and function of the Orff approach in music education. (BCD V.A.2)

Participate in Orff lessons, as well as SEL strategies. (BCD V.A.4)

Implement functional SEL strategies into pre-written Orff lesson plans within the three domains of Identity, Belonging, and Agency. (BCD III.A.5.u, bb, dd)

Create authentic SEL-embedded Orff lessons that utilize the basic functions of the Orff approach: movement, chant, song, instrumentation, improvisation, composition, and performance. (BCD II.D.11, 13, 14; V.A.4)

Develop an action plan for implementing SEL strategies into an Orff curriculum or clinical practice. (BCD II.D.2; V.A.1)


Tiffany Wilson, EdD, is a seasoned music educator with a passion evident to all who know her. Tiffany also maintains a private music studio of 22 piano, voice, and ukulele students and is in growing demand as a presenter to professional audiences.

Becky Engen, PhD, MT-BC, is the Director of Graduate Music Therapy Studies at 澳门水利博彩官方网站 College. She will facilitate music therapy conversations to check understanding and creative application of the workshop materials.


June 8

9–9:30 am: Introduction and game
9:30–9:45 am: Overview of the workshop structure
9:45–10:15 am: What is social emotional learning and what does it mean to me? (This will include 1-2 interactive activities)
10:15–10:30 am: Break
10:30–11 am: Digging Deeper: SEL and Music Education
11–11:30 am: What is Orff Schulwerk?: A Unique Approach to Music Education
11:30 am–12:30 pm: Lunch
12:30–1:15 pm: Exploring the Orff approach–Let’s make some music!
1:15–1:30 pm: Recap/Questions
1:30–2:00 pm: MT Discussion of application in prep for tomorrow)

June 9

9–9:30 am: Opening game/Review of content
9:30–10:00 am: Embedding SEL and Orff: What does research tell us?
10–10:15 am: Break
10:15–10:30 am: SEL strategies–Let’s go on a treasure hunt!
10:30–11 am: Brainstorm strategies/Create a list
11–11:30 am: How to Deconstruct and Reassemble an SEL-embedded Orff Lesson
11:30–12:30 pm: Lunch
12:30–1:30 pm: Game Plan/Putting it all Together (teachers create their own Orff lessons
or deconstruct/restructure what they already have)
1:30–2:30 pm: Lesson sharing/MT breakout
2:30–3 pm: Recap/Goodbye


June 8 and June 9, 2024


9 a.m. CT


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